lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Moto de Kaneda, nuevo avance #17 / Kaneda's bike update #17


Estimados todos;

Estuve dando vueltas a algo que se me olvidó introducir en su momento, y no es otra cosa que la pata de cabra.

Lo cierto es que no me gusta nada el diseño de la moto original en este aspecto, ya que la pata que tiene es del tipo "H", que se coloca debajo de la moto y queda como "aupada" y se queda muy rígida, muy fea, la verdad.

Me gustan mucho más las que tienen las motos tipo "custom", que consigue quela moto quede apoyada ladeada y que, visualmente, queda mucho mejor a mi juicio.

He sacado un vídeo de cómo queda integrada dentro del rig general. Aquí podéis verlo:

Más en la próxima :)


Dear visitor;

In the last update I realised that I forgot something very important for the bike, its side stand. Well, the design of the side stand of the bike is quite ugly in my opinion, its shape is like an "H" and it makes the bike to be straight and I don't like the way it looks at all.

I like the custom bikes side stands design instead, the bike banks a bit and it's visually pleasant and looks so cool that way. So I tried to implement that in my design as well as the rig, here is a video showing that thing:

More in the next update :)

7 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Hi! It's me from Brazil again!
You're doing very well on the bike!
You should build it!
Let me ask you, are the weels tha same size??
(couldn't remember your e-mail)

joie dijo...

Hey again Bruno!

The wheels don't have the same size, the rear wheel is bigger than the front one, I think because visual appealing reasons.

Let me know if I can help you :)

Ignacio dijo...

Queda muy bien, hermano. Me he pedido esa moto para los próximos reyes... mmm, pero antes necesito el carnet de moto!! Brrrr...

influenxia dijo...

me dejo sin palabras tu trabajo y mas algunos puntos te rediseñaste.
me pregunto si tienes algunas medidas de moto ya ke kiero ver si es viable la construccion de la misma

joie dijo...

Influenxia, you should check for more info about dimensions and other data of the bike :)

Unknown dijo...

mey man! From Brazil again!
Did you see bandai and medicom are launching a kaneda and bike in 1/6 scale?! It's almost perfect, if it was not for the scale LOL.

joie dijo...

Hey Bruno;

I think I saw what you talk about, it is the bike with some kind of led lights doesn't it?, it's kinda cool! :)